Well, it’s been six months since I left work for the last time. I wish I could say that I was one of those people who carefully planned their life so that when retirement came it would have been with a complete plan in place and total financial security. But I wasn’t. It worked out OK, in the end. But, I could have saved myself a lot of anxiety and maybe quit work a few years sooner if had been more careful about taking the steps everyone talks about taking during our working years - making a budget, living within our means and avoiding the credit trap. I guess it’s easier said than done when you have kids and live in a high cost of living area in a high cost of living state. Over the next few months I’ll be looking for articles to help retirees and future retirees avoid some of my mistakes and also to help folks learn from what I did well. With rare exceptions I think we are all pretty much a mixed bag when it comes to planning our financial futures. The other parts of reti...
Information for Oregon Retirees